Monday, January 20, 2014

Getting to know Hasselhoff

Last night, I was one of a couple hundred Stockholmers who ventured out into the harsh winter elements (on a Sunday!) to meet the one and only David Hasselhoff.

that's his back just above my head!

What on Earth is David Hasselhoff doing in Sweden? you may find yourself wondering. No obvious Swedish connection, as far as I can tell. And honestly, after sitting in the first row of his new Swedish talkshow's studio audience for over 2 hours, I still have no idea. It seems he was just kind of struck by the idea that things are happening in Sweden and he should be part of them. Well, why not?

From the start, Hasselhoff was pretty upfront and relaxed, at least as far as I could tell. He introduced himself before the taping started, polling how many in the audience had been in a studio audience before and admitting that, as most of us, he's new at this whole thing too. 

Which was obvious, but in a good way I'd say. Hasselhoff did his best to eloquently pose questions to each of his 3 Swedish celebrity guests, even if he didn't know much about them. His signature question was So why are you famous? - and for each one, I was wondering the same thing. Sometimes he was eloquent, and sometimes there were long pauses while a certain "Mr. Happy" directed the Hoff from backstage through a hidden earpiece. 

Being part of a studio audience requires a certain degree of discretion when it comes to keeping details of the show under wraps until it's aired, and I'm not one to ruin a good surprise so I won't tell you who the guests were or any other exciting details. But I will say that sitting in the front row with the only signs - We heart The Hoff - in the house (thanks GK!) pays off if you want to be famous on national Swedish television. Which naturally we do. And so we shall be! Check it out and laugh with us at the ridiculousness of The Hoff in Sweden.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Starting the new year right

What do you miss about the States? 

It's a common question for me here in the far north, and one to which I always answer - after family, friends, and hot summers of course - orange chicken. One of the main dishes of American-style Chinese food, I simply can't get enough of it. Every time I'm home, I make a point to eat orange chicken at least once, ideally from Panda Express, America's Chinese fast-food of choice. The small pieces are completely engulfed in the gooey orangey goodness so each bite is extra flavorful. I'm undoubtedly taking 10 years off my life with whatever chemicals are used in the concoction, but it's totally worth it. 

My cravings for orange chicken have always been limited to my visits to States... until yesterday, that is. On the international hangover day of the year, NS and I dragged ourselves across the street - a struggle in itself - for Chinese takeout. I was preparing myself for the disappointment I always feel as soon as I take my first bite of Swedish Chinese food - a meaty lump doused in salty sauce at best - when low and behold, I discovered this amazing sign:

"Orange chicken, comes from America" - eureka! What luck! The greatest moment in Swedish culinary history since princess cake. And I have to say, it was pretty good. A bit of salad strangely added into the mix, but otherwise, grade-A orange chicken. I have a feeling it's gonna be a good year.